Another great week of crane activity at the Sanctuary. The count team, and we once again need a team to count them all, tallied 3,331 cranes staying in Mud Lake Marsh tonight. And they estimated an additional 2,000-3,000 settling in locations north of the property. Most of the traffic is still coming from the west. I counted over 2K cranes from the Dalton/Hawkins Rds. area last night which were heading in the direction of Haehnle Sanctuary.
(Steve Jerant)
We had several nice overflights above the observation area and 3 small murmuration of blackbirds way out over the marsh.
Two Mute Swan, likely displaced from the drained lake to our south, joined the 13 other species of varied waterbirds on our list this afternoon. And Tundra Swans were heard above, but not seen.

(Steve Jerant)
The weather is starting to chill, but it was not too windy, so we stayed comfortable.
Greeters will continue to staff the overlook area on Saturdays and Sundays until the end of November.

(Steve Jerant)
Crane counters: Ross Green, Don Henise, Robyn Henise
Compiler: Don Henise
Submitted by Steve Jerant
Species count: 39
View Don’s eBird checklist at eBird Checklist - 14 Nov 2022 - Haehnle Sanctuary - 39 species