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 Jackson Audubon Society

 The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan

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  • Tuesday, March 18, 2025 8:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Ten members of JAS enjoyed a walk at the nature Conservancy’s Grand River Fen Preserve property in southern Jackson County this morning.  The preserve is a mix of grassland, forest, and wetland habitats.  We heard a Field Sparrow from the parking lot before we got started and had some good birds throughout the walk.  From the parking lot we walked the north trail through grassland then into forest back into wetland and ended at the official headland of the east fork of the Grand River.

    (Steve Jerant) 

    The return went thought the other end of the prairie past the fen view and through a developing savanna more prairie then back to the lot.

    The sunny morning became partly cloudy but still warmed up about ten degrees through our walk.  It was a nice seasonal transition, seeing both  American Tree & Field Sparrows.  We also got a migrating Fox Sparrow that was not very cooperative.

    Complete eBird list available at:

  • Monday, March 17, 2025 2:50 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Members of JAS walked the Hoffman Trail in the Waterloo Recreation Area on Tuesday, March 11.

    The eBird checklist is available at :

    Brenda shared some pictures of a garter snake and Wintergreen.

    Garter Snake (Thamnophis sp.) (Brenda Wineman)

    American Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) (Brenda Wineman)

  • Tuesday, February 25, 2025 6:22 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Whitehouse Nature Center Tour

    This tour of the Whitehouse Nature Center had been scheduled for the previous week but was cancelled due to low temperatures.  Well, 7 days and about 35 degrees later, we met to do the tour.   While waiting for everyone to meet, we had a flyover of 2 Trumpeter Swan, doing their trumpet call.  Nearly twenty participants came out and enjoyed a walk led by Albion emeritus professors Dale Kennedy & Doug White.

    We toured the nature center, which is open during the day and has a restroom, feeder station viewing area, and lots of turtles.  We started the walk by crossing the bridge over the North Branch of the Kalamazoo River.  The river had open water so a few Mallard were seen and a Belted Kingfisher was heard.  A small group of ducks flew over and we were able to add a Green-winged Teal to our trip list.

    A long, flat trail bisects the property. The Rail Trail is on the grade which the interurban service between Albion and Jackson ran in the first half of the 20th Century.  We headed north shortly after crossing the river and headed out on the Prairie Trail.  This path leads through a variety of habitats including some mature trees.  We also walked along the river and flushed out a Great Blue Heron that was perched near the bank

    (Steve Jerant)

    Moving south we crossed the Rail Trail again into the Beese Ecology Trail which encircles an old quarry.  From there we Joined the Dale Kennedy and Doug White Wren Trail.  Dale and Doug spent many years in this area doing research, banding, and providing nest boxes for thousands of House Wrens and Eastern Bluebird during their career at Albion.  This trail went through grassland and old pine plantations of White and Jack Pine. 

    (Steve Jerant)

    We flushed a Ring-necked Pheasant before leaving the grassland area.  Once in the forest we were able to track down a Pileated Woodpecker (pic below) that has been hammering for about the last 10 minutes. 

    Looking for a hermit (Steve Jerant)

    We rejoined the Beese Ecology Trail through a forest. The tour had a strong finish with Hermit thrush (pics below), Golden-crowned Kinglet, and a Brown Creeper.  Then we returned to the Rail Trail for the conclusion of our tour. 

    Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) (Don Henise)

    Hermit Thrush-side & rear (Catharus guttatus)(Don Henise)

    Don's YouTube video of Pileated hammering

    Total species:  25

    eBird checklist available at:

  • Tuesday, February 04, 2025 7:54 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Our winter tour of MacCready went very well.  It was icy but we had no slips, trips or falls to report.  A lone Sandhill Crane flyover was our signal to start the tour, and we went as per usual up the red trail. At the first turn we got a Golden-crowned Kinglet. The trail got a bit icy going into the Scotch Pine area and there was not much activity until we birded the low area to the north. In multiple areas we kept seeing flocks of American Robin and we ended up submitting 100 for the walk.

    (Brenda Wineman)

    Down a bit on the perimeter trail we got the Eastern Towhee that has been seen at the preserve recently.  The walk through the actively restoring savanna was beautiful. At the top of the hill a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was seen.

    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)(DHenise)

    We totaled 21 species for the morning. 

    The eBird checklist available at

  • Wednesday, January 29, 2025 7:39 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    We had a great turnout at the Watkins Lake SP on Tuesday.  After the perfunctory observation of the Northern Mockingbird at the parking lot we packed up for the carpool to the trailhead.

    Our destination was the western edge of the property along an old railroad grade called the Fay Lake Trail.  The parking is not developed there and a crew from NCR was there working on habitat restoration.  We got all ten of us into three cars and then squeezed those cars into a standard midwestern-sized parking space.

    As mentioned, the railroad grade trail is flat and traverses a tamarack swamp on both sides.  The juniper berries, tamarack cones, and poison sumac berries were pretty well eaten, so there was not a lot of activity on our walk to the east. 

    (Brenda Wineman)

    The trail goes thorough the standard cut and fill landscape that kept the railroad bed at a flat grade.  The cut areas provided a bit of change in habitat and we did get a Hermit Thrush.   This aptly named bird made it difficult for some in the group to see or hear him.

    He was not the only thrush as we got lots of Eastern Bluebird and American Robin on the walk.  Just when we thought we'd get no good winter bird, a group of Purple Finch were spotted to the west.  Unfortunately, about half the group had already passed the area the birds were located.  The birds kept their distance as we moved toward them and the sun we had been enjoying took a cloud break.  So we never got a crisp scope view.  

    (Brenda Wineman)

    All thirteen birds were female.  Thanks Don & Brenda for the photos.  It was a good finish for a winter bird walk.

    (Don Henise)

    Back at the parking lot we had a brief moment of silence for our good JAS and Haehnle Sanctuary friend Chuck Mekbel who passed away at Watkins Lake during a bird walk on a cold and cloudy day in 2019.  After our memorial, I was able to remember to get a group shot before leaving.

    (Steve Jerant)

    Total species:  23

    Watkins Lake SP parking lot checklist:

    Fay Lake Checklist:

  • Tuesday, January 07, 2025 9:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Birding Tour

    Jackson Audubon kicked off the 2025 tour season with a raptor-filled tour of Haehnle Sanctuary.  Nine JAS members bundled up for a walk on the property.  I thought it might be a good morning when Gary Siegrist spotted a Northern Harrier while we were still getting grouped in the parking lot.

    The view from the Harold Wing overlook was wonderful, even though there was not much bird activity at the start.  We walked down a seasonal trail we have cut between the eastern edge of the grassland and the forest area.  Some American Robins were active in there.  We did not get the sparrow activity I’d have liked walking west along the bottom border of the grassland.  We continued past the apple tree viewing area and toward the dike trail toward Eagle Lake viewing platform. 

    Near the dike we spotted a Red Tail Hawk and a very distant Bald Eagle.  While at Eagle Lake a Rough-legged Hawk was spotted but quickly went out of view.  Another Bald Eagle was seen along the shore as well as a flock of Eastern Bluebirds.

    We got a Pileated and some other woodpeckers in the forest.  Once out of the woods, the view and the sun opened a bit for us.  In rapid succession, Gary Siegrist spotted a Northern Shrike, while the Rough-legged Hawk returned, while a pair of bald Eagle came in from the other direction while the immature Golden Eagle was spotted directly above us, very high up.   Our raptor count was five. But if you count the shrike, a.k.a. Butcher bird, we got an even half-dozen hunters for the morning.

    (Joanna Sblendorio)

    After we returned to the overlook, we carpooled over the western edge of the sanctuary.  We drove to the Wooster Rd. parking lot by the Portage River Bridge.  On our half mile walk on the path we had lots of birds working both the river and wetland pool sides of the dike.  We saw just one Bald Eagle on this part of the walk but our only mature eagle. 

    Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) (Don Henise)

    eBird Checklists:

    Main Sanctuary:

    Wooster Rd. Dike:

    Trip list:

  • Monday, December 30, 2024 12:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    56th Waterloo CBC Report
    by Don Henise
    Photos by Mike Bowen & Nolan Williams

    The 56th annual Waterloo State Rec Area Christmas Bird Count was conducted on Saturday December 14th, 2024.  The best word to describe this year’s count is “average”.  Thirty dedicated field birders and 3 feeder watchers counted 8,748 individual birds from 61 total species on count day.  Both numbers were just slightly below our 10 year averages.

    The highlight of the day was probably 2 Turkey Vultures each seen individually by two widely separated parties in the count circle.  This is only the 5th record for the count.  We posted record high counts for 2 species. Fourteen Bald Eagles were counted, breaking the record of 11 set in 2022. Four Yellow-belled Sapsuckers just slipped ahead of the record of 3 from 2008 & 2016.  Sapsuckers have only been reported on 22 of our 56 counts so 4 in one year is a good number.

    Other noteworthy birds include: 2 Northern Shrikes (seen on 28 out of 56 counts), 1 Hermit Thrush (24/56), 1 Winter Wren (15/56), 5 Snow Buntings (25/56), 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet (12/56), and 1 Common Grackle (35/56).  A few regular species were counted in numbers higher than average. They are listed here with their 10 year averages and maximum high counts in parentheses: Mallard – 263 (192, 789), Eastern Screech-Owl – 13 (7, 19), Carolina Wren – 15 (9, 24), Dark-eyed Junco – 834 (352, 925), and White-throated Sparrow – 8 (3, 14).

    The only regular species that was lower than average was Mourning Dove with only 262 counted compared to its 10 year average of 588.  The biggest miss this year was Belted Kingfisher which has been reported on 47 of the 56 counts.  Other misses were Red-headed Woodpecker (40/56) and Pine Siskin (34/56).  Although there have been a few reports of Pine Siskin in southern Michigan, this does not seem to be shaping up as a good winter for them.

    Golden Eagles have become somewhat regular during the winter months in the Dalton Road area in recent years.  One has been reported a few times this fall, most recently on December 7th.  A great deal of effort was expended in search of that bird on count day, but it was not to be found.  A search was also made at both dawn and dusk for Short-eared Owls at the traditional Hawkins Road spot without avail.  However, a Short-eared Owl was seen there the day before, so it will be added to the list as a count week bird.

    A big thank you to all of the team leaders and participants. Each of you helped to make this count a success. Mark your calendars for the 57th count which will take place on Saturday, December 20th, 2025.

    Species List:

    Canada Goose


    Mute Swan


    Trumpeter Swan


    Tundra Swan




    American Black Duck


    Wild Turkey


    Ring-necked Pheasant


    Rock Pigeon


    Mourning Dove


    Sandhill Crane


    Ring-billed Gull


    Great Blue Heron


    Turkey Vulture


    Sharp-shinned Hawk


    Cooper's Hawk


    accipiter species


    Northern Harrier


    Bald Eagle


    Red-shouldered Hawk


    Red-tailed Hawk


    Rough-legged Hawk


    Eastern Screech-Owl


    Great Horned Owl


    Barred Owl


    Short-eared Owl


    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker


    Red-bellied Woodpecker


    Downy Woodpecker


    Hairy Woodpecker


    Pileated Woodpecker


    Northern Flicker


    American Kestrel


    Northern Shrike


    Blue Jay


    American Crow


    Black-capped Chickadee


    Tufted Titmouse


    Horned Lark


    Ruby-crowned Kinglet


    Golden-crowned Kinglet


    White-breasted Nuthatch


    Red-breasted Nuthatch


    Brown Creeper


    Winter Wren


    Carolina Wren


    European Starling


    Eastern Bluebird


    Hermit Thrush


    American Robin


    Cedar Waxwing


    House Sparrow


    House Finch


    Purple Finch


    American Goldfinch


    Snow Bunting


    American Tree Sparrow


    Dark-eyed Junco


    White-throated Sparrow


    Song Sparrow


    Swamp Sparrow


    Common Grackle


    Northern Cardinal


    Eastern Bluebird (Nolan Williams)

    Turkey Vulture (Nolan Williams)

    Purple Finch (female) (Nolan Williams)

    Northern Shrike (Nolan Williams)

    Black-capped Chickadee (Mike Bowen)

    Northern Harrier (Mike Bowen)

    Eastern Bluebird (Mike Bowen)

    Red-tailed Hawk (Mike Bowen)

    American Kestrel (Mike Bowen)

    Sharp-shinned Hawk (Mike Bowen)

  • Tuesday, December 03, 2024 8:00 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 12/02/2024

    By Don Henise

    Winter made its appearance this past week in southern Michigan. Mud Lake Marsh was almost completely frozen on this crisp, cold Monday night. We had a lot of cranes fly in at dusk, circle and not finding any suitable open water, head off to other locations. Only 75 cranes actually landed on the ice in Mud Lake to roost for the night. The number of other bird species detected was low, with only 16 total species counted. An adult female Northern Harrier entertained us for a bit as it worked close in the grassland below the observation hill.

    Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius) (Don Henise)

    This will be our final Monday night crane report for the season.

    Total Cranes Roosting: 75

    Counters: Ross Green, Don Henise, and Steve Jerant

    Compiled by: Don Henise

    Complete eBird checklist:

     [Editor’s note:  Thanks to all our weekend greeters this season and especially warm thanks to our crane counters:  Don & Robyn Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist.]

  • Monday, November 25, 2024 7:55 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/25/2024

    By Don Henise

    We experienced our highest count of the season with 1,866 Sandhill Cranes roosting in Mud Lake Marsh. They came fast and furious for a while and with only 2 of us counting tonight, we struggled to keep up at times. Temps were in the 40s with an overcast sky and fortunately for us, the rain that was threatening held off until after sunset. With the threatening weather other bird activity was quite low, however we did have a quick sighting of a Northern Shrike perched on top of one of the big maple trees. We got busy with crane counting and soon lost track of it.

    Total Cranes Roosting: 1,866

    Counters: Don Henise & Steve Jerant

    Compiled by: Don Henise

    Complete eBird checklist:

    (Steve Jerant)

  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024 1:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/18/2024

    By Don Henise

    The number of Sandhill Cranes using Haehnle Sanctuary’s Mud Lake Marsh bounced back this week. A total of 1,292 cranes were counted landing in the marsh Monday evening to spend the night. Numerous waterfowl continue to use the marsh. See the link to the eBird list below for the full list of waterfowl. At dusk, as Robyn was counting the last few cranes coming into the marsh, she spotted a lone Snow Goose flying in from the northwest. The Snow Goose circled around the marsh for nearly 10 minutes before it finally landed, affording all the observers on the hill a chance to view it in the failing light.

    The weather for the afternoon and evening count was again unseasonably warm with temps in the 50s. The sky was overcast, the wind was light, and we did experience some light rain towards the end of the count. Fifty-two bird species were observed including several American Tree Sparrows in the prairie giving their tinkling calls all evening, and a large flock of Cedar Waxwings in the trees to the right of the lookout. Near dusk, a Merlin again made an appearance, chasing the tree sparrows in the prairie.

    CarolinaWren(Thryothorus ludovicianus)(Don Henise)

    Other than the Merlin, raptor sightings were not remarkable, with only 2 distant Bald Eagle sightings, 2 Northern Harriers working the marsh, and only one Red-tailed Hawk observed. However, Gary reported seeing a light morph Rough-legged Hawk Sunday evening, while greeting at the Sanctuary.

    Total Cranes Roosting: 1,292

    Counters: Ross Green, Robyn Henise, Gary Siegrist, Don Henise

    Compiled by: Don Henise

    Complete eBird checklist:

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