After last year's trip to point Moo, I was hoping for a much better show for 2023. Ross's scouting report from his mission on Friday left me feeling this may not be the turnaround year. Eleven of us made the trip downriver and drove the dikes for some shorebirds.

(Steve Jerant)
We were not disappointed. It was the best trip we had in many years. There was a good bit of activity out on the dike and we got a Ruddy Turnstone at the first good look at some shorebird habitat.
Ruddy Turnstone (Don Henise)
We saw several groups of Common Gallinule in various parts of the property. The little ones are so darn cute, I just have to share all of Don's pics.
Common Gallinule (Don Henise)
Common Gallinule (Don Henise)
Common Gallinule (Don Henise)
One of the most productive spots of the day was behind where the dredger was working. It was a bit noisy, and the terrain was, well, a bit uneven.
(Steve Jerant)
But the birds we saw included Wilson's Phalarope, Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover, Least Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Sandpiper.
Semipalmated Plover (Don Henise)
While taking a stop on the dike for another good mudflat area, we were treated to a flyover by a Red Knot.
The final area was a short walk on the end of the 'banana' where we got some songbirds and another flyover of a Wilson's Snipe. And our last shorebird views of the day included Pectoral Sandpiper and Dunlin
Pectoral Sandpiper (Don Henise)
Dunlin (Don Henise)
Our final species count was 63: including 8 swan & duck, 4 raptors, 4 heron species, 5 gull & tern, and 15 shorebirds. We observed 9 American White Pelicans and nearly 200 Double-crested Cormorant. See the Complete trip eBird checklist for details.
Marshland & Cooling Towers (Steve Jerant)