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 Jackson Audubon Society

 The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan

  • Monday, November 27, 2023 7:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/27/2023

    The winter snowstorm that arrived this weekend has sent our cranes on their southern journey.  Observations on the overlook this afternoon were impacted a bit by the light snow falling in the hours before sunset.  There was good traffic coming into the marsh until just a bit before 5 PM.  Then some of the settled cranes flew out of the marsh, while others were coming in. There was a maximum of just 262 cranes in but I finished at just 182 roosting overnight.

    I did not detect any open water in Mud Lake Marsh, but Eagle Lake was wide open and about 150 Ring Neck Duck were seen.

    With the temperatures low for the next week and the marsh frozen, tonight’s observation will be the last of the season.

    The complete eBird checklist is here:

    Counters: Steve Jerant
    Compiler: Steve Jerant
    Total Cranes Roosting:  182

  • Monday, November 20, 2023 8:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/20/2023
    By Don Henise

    Sandhill Crane activity has picked up this week with 531 cranes counted flying into the marsh for the night. A thousand or more cranes were also seen dropping into the property to the north of the sanctuary.

    Good numbers of waterfowl continue to use Mud Lake. A total of 26 species were observed at the sanctuary Monday evening. The complete eBird checklist is here:

    Counters: Don & Robyn Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist

    Compiler: Don Henise

    Total Cranes Roosting:  531

  • Tuesday, November 14, 2023 5:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Thirteen JAS members visited the Watkins Lake SP for our annual autumn waterfowl tour.  It was a beautiful morning with clear skies and comfortable temperatures going from about 35 to 55F during our visit.  We had a good variety of waterfowl with 18 species counted.  A large flock (~1,000) of Canada Goose came in shortly after we started.  And with all eyes on, 2 Snow Goose were spotted!  A significant number of Hooded Merganser were observed.

    The raptor count was low with a late arriving Bald Eagle and Red-Tailed Hawk, not seen by many participants.  And a first for me-NO Manchester Turkey Vultures.  They seem to be reliable all year round.

    Trip eBird list available at

  • Tuesday, November 14, 2023 8:03 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    We had only two counters this week, but Gary and Ross were able to count all 65 cranes that made Haehnle their home last night.  Another 100 or so cranes were observed in flight north of the sanctuary.  While our counts remain low, cranes are starting to gather in the area.  Multiple groups in the hundreds are being seen in local agricultural and other fields. For an up-to-date crane viewing map, visit

    It was a great night for waterfowl with 12 species observed.  And we had another Rough-legged Hawk along with three other raptors.  

    Counters:  Ross Green and Gary Siegrist

    Compiled by Ross Green

    eBird list of all species recorded:  

    Total Cranes Roosting:  68

  • Tuesday, November 07, 2023 10:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    10 members of JAS visited the Dahlem Center Tuesday for a fall birding tour.

    (Brenda Wineman)

    Highlights include Fox Sparrow, Purple Finch, and Golden-drowned Kinglet.  Complete bird list is available at eBird Checklist - 7 Nov 2023 - Dahlem Center - 30 species

  • Monday, November 06, 2023 9:46 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/06/2023
    by Don Henise

    After two Mondays of quite cold weather, this week we enjoyed a mild afternoon with temps in the upper 50s. A prescribed burn was conducted on the east portion of the main prairie near the overlook last Thursday.
    [Video of burn available on the JAS YouTube channel]

    Today a flock of 40+ American Pipits was found on the burned area.  Apparently, a burned prairie looks a lot like good tundra habitat to a pipit. Though American Pipits can be quite common migrants in other parts of Michigan, they are uncommon migrants in Jackson County - a real treat for all observers and a life bird for a few.

    (Don Henise)

    The one hundred mark was finally broken for our crane count with 130 Sandhill Cranes flying into roost in Mud Lake Marsh for the evening.

    Counters: Ross Green, Robyn Henise, Gary Siegrist, and Steve Jerant
    Compiled by Don Henise
    eBird list of all species recorded:

    Total Cranes Roosting: 130

  • Tuesday, October 31, 2023 8:07 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary & USFWS Crane Count 10/30/2023
    by Don Henise

    A brisk cold evening closed out the October counts at Phyllis Haehnle  Sanctuary. We even had a snow shower cross over the marsh at one point.  The number of Sandhill Cranes using the sanctuary for night roosting remains on the low side, but numbers were up just a bit from Last week.  A count of 97 cranes were tallied flying into Mud Lake Marsh for the night with another 147 counted as flybys.

    (Don Henise)

    Gary found the season's first Rough-legged Hawk working over the marsh. It was in view most of the evening either perched on a snag or flying around hunting, often hovering over the marsh and fen to the northwest of the overlook. Bald Eagles were prevalent throughout the evening as well, with at least 8 individuals being seen. There were three adults, at least two 1st year birds and three 2nd year birds. Three of the young birds circled directly overhead together.

    Bald Eagle(Haliaeetus leucocephalus)(Don Henise)

    Total Cranes Roosting:  97
    Counters: Robyn Henise, Gary Siegrist
    Compiled by: Don Henise
    Complete eBird checklist:

    Editor's note:

    In addition to the count at Haehnle, ( JAS members participated in area counts for the USFWS.
    Ron Hoffman & Steve Jerant counted 120 cranes roosting at the Schumacher Marsh near the Waterloo Farm Museum on Waterloo Munith Road.

    Ross Green and Lathe Claflin reported the night's high of 198 cranes at marshland just north of the Haehnle Sanctuary.

  • Monday, October 23, 2023 10:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 10/23/2023
    by Don Henise

    Sandhill Cranes came into Mud Lake Marsh at Haehnle Sanctuary tonight but in slightly smaller numbers than last week. A count of 77 cranes came in for the night.

    (Don Henise)

    The trees surrounding the marsh were showing nice color which was especially striking as the sun lowered behind us. A total of 44 bird species were recorded during our count. While scoping the marsh for waterfowl, Ross had a Northern Shrike fly through his view. It landed at the top of the tall maples to the right of the overlook giving us all a nice scope view before it flew off again.  A Red-shouldered Hawk, 2 Adult Bale Eagles, several Northern Harriers and a Merlin were the raptor highlights of the evening. A variety of waterfowl continue to be observed out in Mud Lake.

    White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) (Don Henise)

    Complete eBird checklist:

    Total Cranes Roosting: 77
    Counters: Robyn Henise, Gary Siegrist, Ross Green
    Compiled by: Don Henise

  • Tuesday, October 17, 2023 5:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    We had a relaxing walk through Portage Lake State Park this morning.  It was cool, but it is October, and it transitioned form overcast to just short of partly cloudy.  The lake was not very busy, and only a lone Ruddy Duck stood out against the usual suspects of Canada Goose, Mallard, and Pie-billed Grebe.

    (Gary Mason)

    We got the scope out, though and got a good look at the Bald Eagle across the lake but could not nail down the buteo that was near him.  But the Cooper's Hawk was more cooperative and gave us two flyovers.

    (Steve Jerant)

    Near the swimming beach, a pair of cranes were getting some quiet time at the park, but we scared them off.  Gary mason was ready and got some great action shots.

    (Gary Mason)

    (Gary Mason)

    The woods and shrub were much more productive than the water and we were busy with kinglets and sparrows.  We got both Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglet, White-throated and -crowned Sparrow, and a single hard to find Brown Creeper.  

    See if you can find one on those little guys in this shot by Gary.  But don't eat those berries!

    (Gary Mason)

    Our complete trip list is available on this eBird Checklist

    And the color was beautiful!  Thanks, Gary for the great pics.

    (Gary Mason)

  • Tuesday, October 17, 2023 7:06 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 10/16/2023
    by Don Henise

    It appears that some Sandhill Cranes have finally moved in from the north. A count of 122 roosting Sandhill Cranes was recorded for Mud Lake Marsh in Haehnle Sanctuary Monday evening. Another 300+ Cranes were counted as flybys, most of those landing in the property to the northwest of the Sanctuary.

    (Don Henise)

    Other highlights of the evening were ducks including Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveler, American Wigeon, Gadwal, Blue-winged Teal, Wood Duck,  and Ring-necked Duck. Five species of woodpecker were recorded including a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

    eBird checklist:

    Total Cranes Roosting: 122

    Counters: Robyn Henise & Ross Green

    Compiled by: Don Henise

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