Bring a flashlight and see the annual breeding spectacle of the American Woodcock , a.k.a. Timberdoodle, peenting at the Riethmiller Road grassland. This prairie is a reliable and excellent observation location.
(Nolan Williams)
Frank M. Chapman describes the sky dance:
"He begins on the ground with a formal, periodic peent, peent, an incongruous preparation for the wild rush that follows. It is repeated several times before he springs from the ground, and on whistling wings sweeps out on the first loop of a spiral which may take him 300 feet from the ground. Faster and faster he goes, louder and shriller sounds his wing-song; then, after a moment's pause, with darting, headlong flight, he pitches in zigzags to the earth, uttering as he falls a clear, twittering whistle."
Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America, 1895
This is an EVENING event starting at 7:30 PM.
It is April, we are in Michigan, and the sun will be setting-so dress warmly.
Meet at DNR parking lot, north side of Riethmiller Rd., west of St. Jacob's church. NOTE: This is the parking lot in the prairie area, not the parking lot that is in the wooded area east of the church.
Google Map link
Email for more information.
Weather cancellation Policy: JAS programs and activities will be cancelled if Jackson Schools close.