The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan
Join us for a trip to the Midwest's best destination for spring warbler viewing. This is a day-long trip to Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, Howard Marsh, Ottawa NWR, and other areas that may be active for migrants. The JAS carpool leaves at 6 AM and the estimated return to Jackson area is 5 PM. Bring water, lunch, a lawn chair & money for ice cream.
Register for the carpool from Jackson by 05/09/2025.
To register: email (or you can reply to the event email) and advise if you are interested in driving. Carpool instructions will follow once registration is closed.
Cap May Warbler (Chuck Mekbel)
More information for Magee Marsh and surrounds available at the Black Swamp Bird Observatory and Biggest Week in American Birding websites.