It may have rained but it did not pour!
Three JAS members took a walk along the trails and boardwalks at Dahlem today. The weather was not ideal and we had some fog and later some light rain. The rain hit while we were in the conifer section of the property, so we lucked out as that was the only good cover at this time of year. Trails were a bit icy in spots but we had plenty of traction in newly bare spots due to the recent partial thaw.
With the low visibility, I think we heard more than we saw. A lone Great Blue Heron was flying south over the boardwalk. Hopefully he found some open water to get some lunch. I finally got a Red-breasted Nuthatch this season, as they have been avoiding me since last winter.
We ended up a little muddy and a bit wet, but we got out to enjoy the wonderful habitats that Dahlem has to offer.

Species list:
2 duck sp. -- Likely WODU
1 Great Blue Heron -- Seen flying south from boardwalk.
6 Red-bellied Woodpecker
3 Downy Woodpecker
1 Pileated Woodpecker
1 Northern Flicker
9 Blue Jay
7 American Crow
8 Black-capped Chickadee
2 Tufted Titmouse
1 Red-breasted Nuthatch
3 White-breasted Nuthatch
17 European Starling
4 Eastern Bluebird
2 American Robin
1 House Finch
13 American Goldfinch
Number of Taxa: 17