On Tuesday JAS restarted tours with the Michigan Nature Association after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The McCulley-Bastian Nature Sanctuary is a property adjacent to the River Raisin near Adrian. This was named by early French settlers due to the amount of grapes seen on its bank. But the traditional name for this river is the Nummasepee, the River of Sturgeon.
One of the property owners, Barb McCulley, joined us for our walk. It was a treat not only to meet the previous owner but get some insight into the history of the property.
In addition to lots of Tulip poplar (my favorite tree), mature sycamore, red oak, and maples, there were some interesting understory plants that were new to some of us.
Moonseed Menispermum canadense
(Steve Jerant)
Palm Sedge MCarex muskingumensis
(Steve Jerant)
Robyn was able to get close enough to this puffball for a game ball photo for us.
(Steve Jerant)
Rachel Maranto led us up and down the high slopes along the river. We transitioned from a mature riparian forest to a tract transitioning from old agricultural field with trees planted in the 1980's.
(Steve Jerant)
Oh, the birding? Well there was not a lot of activity, but we had a wonderful trip and finished up with some cider and donuts, compliments of our hosts, Barb & Duane!
3 Canada Goose
2 Sandhill Crane
1 Great Blue Heron
4 Turkey Vulture
1 Sharp-shinned Hawk
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
2 Blue Jay
2 Black-capped Chickadee
1 Golden-crowned Kinglet
1 White-breasted Nuthatch
1 Carolina Wren
2 American Robin
1 Northern Cardinal
Number of Taxa: 13
Trip eBird list