The JAS trip down to Magee Marsh and surrounds was a bit earlier this year than normal-I won't do that again. Seven JAS members took the trip across the border to Ohio for a visit to the Magee Marsh, Metzger Marsh, and Howard Marsh locations. It was cold, and windy, and we had a bit of rain. What we did not have unfortunately, was warblers.
(Sidney Fitzpatrick)
While our count was very low, we did have lots of room on the Magee Marsh boardwalk, no trouble finding parking, and no waiting at the porta-Johns. We stayed dry the whole day and had lots of wildfowl on our list. Highlights included a Eastern Screech Owl and four Black-necked Stilts, a lifer for some of our group as well as a new spotting of this bird in the Midwest for most of the rest of us.
(Sidney Fitzpatrick)
A combined species list of the 65 species we observed is available as an eBird Trip Report .