Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 10/21/2024

(Steve Jerant)
By Don Henise
Sandhill Cranes are finally making their way into Haehnle Sanctuary marsh in good numbers. Over the weekend, volunteer greeters counted 300+ and 400+ cranes flying in just before sunset. On our official Monday evening count, with unseasonably warm temperatures near 80 degrees, 504 cranes were counted landing in Mud Lake Marsh to roost for the night. An additional 467 were observed flying past the sanctuary, most appearing to land in wetlands to the north of the sanctuary, giving a total of 971 cranes observed from the Harold Wing observation hill.

(Steve Jerant)
A total of 35 bird species were observed during the afternoon and evening count – see the eBird checklist link below. Ducks have begun arriving in the area over the past weeks and many were seen out in the marsh. Three rusty Blackbirds were viewed perched in the trees near the overlook in the early afternoon. Near sunset, a Merlin blasted over the overlook.
Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) (Don Henise)
This has been a good fall for Common Buckeye butterflies in Jackson County and many continue to be seen along the trails through the prairies at Haehnle. Autumn Meadowhawks are normally the last dragonfly species to be on the wing in the fall. There were probably hundreds of them still flying around the grasslands on this warm evening. In years when the weather stays mild, we see the Autumn Meadowhawks into November.
Autumn Meadowhawk (Sympetrum vicinum) (Don Henise)
Buckeye (Junonia coenia)(Don Henise)
Total Cranes Roosting: 504
Counters: Gary Siegrist, Steve Jerant, Don Henise, Robyn Henise
Compiled by: Don Henise
Complete eBird checklist: https://ebird.org/checklist/S199820859