We had mild weather, great color, seventeen participants, and lots of mockingbirds on our trip to Watkins Lake on Tuesday. I planned this trip a month earlier than our normal November waterfowl trip in the hopes of getting a good color tour of the park. In addition, the upland grassland on the Washtenaw side of the property offers a great view of the surrounding area-you can even see Brooklyn!
Right out of the gate the park’s resident Mockingbird’s were out & about and 5 were seen. We started walking the trail to the east toward the upland area. After much encouragement from the group a few more Mockingbirds were coaxed to make the jump east over the county line so we could count them in Washtenaw. We tallied 3.
(Brenda Wineman)
A short walk off our route to a view from the grassland to the lake’ was rewarded with the sight of hundreds of Canada Goose coming in for a landing on the lake. We then started the woodland trek up the hill to the grand view. It was a bit of a climb, but well worth it. The view was great, and the fall colors were spot on. I think we got peak color on that day. So, of course forgot to take a pic.
The loop trail down was though more grassland and was a more gradual descent. We’ll go up that side next time. The walk on this path allows a lakeside view to the west, but there was not too much activity there.
After a return to the parking lot for a quick refresh, we walked down Arnold Rd. for the waterfowl part of the tour. I think we did pretty good in terms of wildfowl. We saw 19 waterfowl and other water birds in the lake.
Toward the end of the viewing, we had a falcon identified as a Peregrine Falcon. This Duck Hawk did not stop for a snack, but just gave as a quick flyby.
Bird lists for the trip are below. Be sure to check out photos in the checklists.
Parking lot & west end of trail: https://ebird.org/checklist/S199888781
Washtenaw county: https://ebird.org/checklist/S199895916
Jackson County lake sightings: https://ebird.org/checklist/S199895983