Our winter tour of MacCready went very well. It was icy but we had no slips, trips or falls to report. A lone Sandhill Crane flyover was our signal to start the tour, and we went as per usual up the red trail. At the first turn we got a Golden-crowned Kinglet. The trail got a bit icy going into the Scotch Pine area and there was not much activity until we birded the low area to the north. In multiple areas we kept seeing flocks of American Robin and we ended up submitting 100 for the walk.
(Brenda Wineman)
Down a bit on the perimeter trail we got the Eastern Towhee that has been seen at the preserve recently. The walk through the actively restoring savanna was beautiful. At the top of the hill a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was seen.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varius)(DHenise)
We totaled 21 species for the morning.
The eBird checklist available at https://ebird.org/checklist/S212014867