From Lathe Claflin
Report Vandalism at Haehnle Sanctuary
During the past 3 weeks there has been a rash of malicious vandalism at the sanctuary.
- Four bluebird nest boxes, 2 with young birds inside, were ripped off their posts –all babies are gone and presumed dead. This malignant act is a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
- The beautifully painted Haehnle Introduction sign in the main parking area was spray-painted and covered with feces.
- At the kiosk,
- The registration box was broken and torn from mounting post.
- The email lockbox was broken into and cards scattered on the ground.
- Brown paint was used to write on a north side display case.
- One of the split rails was pulled from mount and found lying on the ground.
- Four other split rails were broken and pulled from their mounts.
- The bench near the new observation deck at Eagle Lake was torn from its posts and tossed into the lake. The observation deck itself was defaced.
- The sign explaining the restoration work in Bogus Lake Fen was tossed into Eagle Lake.
- These acts are senseless, destructive, and pointless. One or more persons are destroying private property at a wild place that is open to the public and enjoyed by hundreds of people every year.
This vandalism has been reported to the Blackman Township Police and to the Michigan DNR Conservation Officer. If you see anyone vandalizing any item at Haehnle Sanctuary please call 911 immediately and report them. If you find evidence of vandalism please call Lathe at 517 936-0528.
We appreciate your help.
Report Vandalism at Haehnle Sanctuary