Nine Jackson Audubon members traveled to southeast Michigan to the Point Mouillee State Game Area on Tuesday to observe migrating shorebirds. We were not disappointed. We observed, or heard, 68 species.
Steve Jerant
We had a bit of rain at our gathering spot and for most of the drive, but the storm went to the north of us and we had only a small sprinkle. JAS garnered a permit for the DNR to drive three vehicles along the dikes at the Pt. Moo facility. This enabled us to move about fairly quickly to hotpots of reported activity.
In addition to the usual finds, we had some unusual/rare sightings, including a juvenile Little Blue Heron, Willet, and Long & Short-billed Dowitcher.
This trip, like the next one on next Saturday, August 26, was organized and led by Robyn & Don Henise. Thanks to them for their work on this as well as to Don for the checklist and Ross Green for his recon and photos in the checklist.
Complete eBird checklist available at:
If you missed this trip and are interested in visiting a premier regional shorebird hotspot, JAS is sponsoring another trip soon.