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 The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan

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Trip to Dowagiac Woods & Trillium Ravine-Rachel Maranto

Monday, April 22, 2019 5:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

Thanks to all who came out to our double-header nature walk on Tuesday. It was nice seeing some familiar faces and meeting some of you for the first time. Despite it feeling wintry in the morning, we were treated to lush carpets of spring blooms! 

Purple Trillium (Steve Jerant)

I encourage you to join us again on September 17 for our next wildflower walk with the Jackson Audubon Society at MNA's Goose Creek Grasslands sanctuary in Lenawee County south of Cement City. The walk is timed to hit peak bloom time of the fringed gentians, and there should be many other fen-loving wildflowers to enjoy, including ladies tresses, sneezeweed, grass of parnassus, and several species of aster and goldenrod.

Rachel Maranto
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