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Haehnle Sanctuary Crane Count 11/30/2020

Monday, November 30, 2020 8:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

The wonderful thing about nature is how variable it can be.  Last week we had a pretty big crane count, lots of flyovers.  This week, not so much, as they say.  Several groups of cranes came in around 4 PM so I thought his was going to be another great week, then the rush went to a trickle, then it was just cold and windy.   The final roosting count was 156, about 1/10th of last week. 

Some cranes were coming down north of the Sanctuary but not in huge numbers.  Visibility was impaired by low light and some snow, so I’m sure we missed observations both in and out of the property.

It was a pretty good raptor night including a pair of Red-tailed Hawks soaring from the east to the west behind the overlook.  They were quite vocal, and I heard them before I saw them.  Ross got a pair of juvenile Bald Eagles over at Eagle lake.

We still are getting ducks and there was a large group of Hoodies over on Eagle Lake. The waterfowl in Mud Lake Marsh were tough to ID with the poor conditions.

Crane counters:   Ross Green & Steve Jerant
Compiler:  Steve Jerant
Submitted by Steve Jerant

Crane Count:  156 (307 total observed)
Species count:  19

2 Canada Goose

5 American Wigeon

28 Mallard

55 Hooded Merganser -- @ Eagle Lake

307 Sandhill Crane -- 156 in Mud Lake Marsh

1 Northern Harrier

1 Sharp-shinned Hawk

2 Bald Eagle -- Juveniles

2 Red-tailed Hawk

1 Belted Kingfisher

1 Red-bellied Woodpecker

1 Downy Woodpecker

4 Black-capped Chickadee

1 Tufted Titmouse

1 White-breasted Nuthatch

1 American Goldfinch

1 American Tree Sparrow

205 Red-winged Blackbird

1 Northern Cardinal

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You can view past postings and historical crane counting data on the Haehnle web site at 

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