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 Jackson Audubon Society

 The Audubon Society of Jackson County, Michigan

  • Monday, October 17, 2016 8:33 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Some fresh, warm apple crisp and hot mulled cider kept us warm for tonight’s crane count.  Well, it was 75⁰ out, so I guess that helped, too.  Anyway, another beautiful night at Haehnle Sanctuary.  The colors were brilliant with the setting sun.  The greens are giving way to the browns as our autumn progresses.

    Cranes were sparse, both for counted and fly-bys (210).  We did get two nice flyovers which delighted our guests gathered at the overlook.  Egrets continue to come into the marsh and a Bald Eagle spotted last week was back on the same perch tonight.

    Waterfowl activity was great.  Lots of movement in and out.  We had 11 species of ducks & geese observed.

    You can view past postings and historical crane counting data at

    Crane counters:    Robyn Henise, Don Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist
    Compiler:  Steve Jerant
    Submitted by Steve Jerant

    Crane Count-7

    Species count-40

    Pied-billed Grebe

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Turkey Vulture

    Canada Goose

    Wood Duck

    Green-winged Teal

    American Black Duck


    Northern Pintail

    Northern Shoveler


    American Widgeon

    Ring-necked Duck

    Bald Eagle

    Northern Harrier

    Red-tailed Hawk


    Sandhill Crane


    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    Hairy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Blue Jay

    American Crow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Tufted Titmouse

    Golden-crowned Kinglet

    Ruby-crowned Kinglet

    American Robin

    Cedar Waxwing

    European Starling

    Song Sparrow

    White-throated Sparrow

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    House Finch

    Purple Finch

  • Monday, October 10, 2016 8:40 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Cranes were on the move tonight with 519 counted as fly-bys. Only 20 cranes were counted on our official tally as landing in Mud Lake Marsh. So our 24 visitors outnumbered the cranes for another week, but it was as beautiful night to watch the colors change on the marsh.

    The sparrows remain active below the overlook and along the dike trail. Six species were seen, with a Lincoln’s sparrow as the bird of note. Both Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned hawks were in the area as well. Hmmm, wonder why they were hanging out there…

    Greater egrets continue to be seen and we had a pileated fly over again this week.

    You can view past postings and historical crane counting data at

    Crane counters: Robyn Henise, Don Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist

    Compiler: Steve Jerant

    Submitted by Steve Jerant

    Crane Count-20

    Species count-48

    Pied-billed Grebe

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Turkey Vulture

    Trumpeter Swan

    Canada Goose

    Wood Duck

    American Black Duck


    American Widgeon


    Bald Eagle

    Northern Harrier

    Sharp-shinned Hawk

    Cooper's Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    Sandhill Crane

    Ring-billed Gull

    Herring Gull

    Mourning Dove

    Chimney Swift

    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Pileated Woodpecker

    Eastern Phoebe

    Blue Jay

    American Crow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Tufted Titmouse

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    Eastern Bluebird

    American Robin

    Cedar Waxwing

    European Starling

    Northern Cardinal

    Eastern Towhee

    Field Sparrow

    Song Sparrow

    Lincoln's Sparrow

    Swamp Sparrow

    White-throated Sparrow

    White-crowned Sparrow

    Dark-eyed Junco

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    House Finch

    American Goldfinch

  • Monday, October 03, 2016 9:33 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Crane numbers were very low tonight but we did have several flyovers. No cranes were counted as staying in Mud lake Marsh and we had 177 counted as “fly-bys”-observed by not settling in for an overnight stay.

    There were a lot of sparrows in the emergent prairie where invasive buckthorn is being removed. Five species were seen including a Lincoln’s sparrow. The blackbird activity was good as well, with groups coming close to the overlook and well within audible range. Several large groups of starlings were seen doing their amazing flock dance visible from over a mile away.

    You can view past postings and historical crane counting data at and the Blog page at the JAS site at

    Crane counters: Robyn Henise, Don Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist

    Compiler: Steve Jerant

    Submitted by Steve Jerant

    Crane Count-0

    Species count-40

    Pied-billed Grebe

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Turkey Vulture

    Canada Goose

    Wood Duck

    American Black Duck


    Lesser Scaup

    Northern Harrier

    Sharp-shinned Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    American Coot

    Sandhill Crane

    Herring Gull

    Chimney Swift

    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Hairy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Eastern Phoebe

    Tree Swallow

    Blue Jay

    American Crow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    American Robin

    Gray Catbird

    Cedar Waxwing

    European Starling

    Northern Cardinal

    Field Sparrow

    Song Sparrow

    Lincoln's Sparrow

    Swamp Sparrow

    White-crowned Sparrow

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    House Finch

    American Goldfinch

  • Monday, September 26, 2016 9:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    On Monday we had a beautiful night at the Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Sanctuary to watch the cranes come in.  Traffic was slow but steady and we broke the 100 mark for the season-always an event.  The cranes arrived from all directions and we had some coming and going as in previous years with some leaving the marsh and 55 “fly-bys.”  Several groups flew directly above the overlook so the dozen visitors we had on the property were able to get a close look.  A juvenile was heard in one of the groups.


    Other highlight species seen or heard include several Bald Eagles, a flicker that seemed to want a lot of attention, and flyovers of American Kestrel and Pileated Woodpecker.

    You can view past postings and historical crane counting data at and the Blog page at the JAS site at

    Crane counters:    Robyn Henise, Don Henise, Ross Green, and Gary Siegrist
    Compiler:  Steve Jerant
    Submitted by Steve Jerant

    Crane Count-151

    Species count- 36

    Pied-billed Grebe

    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Canada Goose

    Wood Duck

    American Black Duck


    Bald Eagle

    Northern Harrier

    Red-tailed Hawk

    American Kestrel

    Sandhill Crane

    Mourning Dove

    Chimney Swift

    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Pileated Woodpecker

    Tree Swallow

    Blue Jay

    American Crow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    House Wren

    American Robin

    Gray Catbird

    Cedar Waxwing

    Common Yellowthroat

    Northern Cardinal

    Song Sparrow

    Swamp Sparrow

    White-throated Sparrow

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    American Goldfinch

  • Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:59 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    About 15 people came out Saturday morning for the Fall Work Bee at the Phyllis Haehnle Memorial Sanctuary. In addition to the usual brush cutting, trail maintenance, and trash pickup, we did lots of sign work. 

    The historic main sign has been cleaned and repainted after the July vandalism and looks great. 

    Robyn & Don Henise (Steve Jerant)

    An interpretive sign for the buckthorn removal project was set up along the dike path. 

    We've removed the parking lot sign that hung over the entrance on Seymour Rd. for repainting and will be staged later.

    Ron Hoffman (Steve Jerant)

    We did have a youngster come out to meet the group but she declined to help with any of the chores.  She did act as a mosquito sink.  Zoom in on her left snout to see.

    1-1/2 year old doe (Steve Jerant)

  • Sunday, September 18, 2016 8:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    First off, the crane count at Haehnle moves back to Monday evenings starting next Monday, September 26th.

    Today was a great day for bird species at Haehnle but not for Sandhill cranes – we found two cranes in the marsh around 5:30 and by the time we left at 6:30 no other cranes had come to Haehnle.

    Butterflies were out most of the afternoon. Here’s what we had: Orange Sulphur, Viceroy, Cabbage White, Clouded Sulphur, Eastern Tailed-blue, American Copper, Common Buckeye, Monarch, Silver-spotted Skipper, Pearl Crescent, Variegated Fritillary, Great Spangled Fritillary and Spicebush Swallowtail.

    We also recorded 27 [human] visitors.

    Compiler: Robyn Henise

    Submitted by Robyn Henise

    Crane Count-0

    Species count- 36

    Canada Goose

    Wood Duck

    American Wigeon


    Blue-winged Teal

    Great Blue Heron

    Turkey Vulture

    Bald Eagle (2 adults)

    Northern Harrier

    Sharp-shinned Hawk

    Cooper’s Hawk

    Broad-winged Hawk (we had a mini kettle of 21 birds – more than they recorded at Erie Metro Hawk watch today – they only had 3)

    Red-tailed Hawk

    Ring-billed Gull

    Mourning Dove

    Chimney Swift

    Downy Woodpecker

    Hairy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    American Kestrel (catching dragonflies)

    Eastern Wood-Pewee

    Eastern Phoebe

    Blue Jay

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Tufted Titmouse

    Red-breasted Nuthatch

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    Eastern Bluebird

    American Robin

    Gray Catbird

    European Starling

    Cedar Waxwing

    Common Yellowthroat

    Swamp Sparrow

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle

    American Goldfinch

  • Monday, September 12, 2016 8:01 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    The Sandhill Cranes have not begun to use Haehnle as an evening roosting spot but several large flocks of cranes were seen flying around. One flock of 17 flew in overhead of observation hill and there were several young birds calling.

    We saw several Buckeye Butterflies and a total of 13 Monarchs flew past observation hill.

    Counters: Ross Green, Gary Siegrist, Don and Robyn Henise

    Compiler: Don Henise

    Submitted by Don Henise

    Crane Count-0

    Species count- 39

    Canada Goose

    Trumpeter Swans (2)

    Wood Duck


    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Turkey Vultures (50+)

    Bald Eagle

    Northern Harrier

    Sharp-shinned Hawk

    Cooper’s Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    Chimney Swift

    Ruby-throated Hummingbird

    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    Hairy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    American Kestrel

    Great Crested Flycatcher

    Yellow-throated Vireo

    Red-eyed Vireo

    Blue Jay

    Tree Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Red-breasted Nuthatch

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    House Wren

    Eastern Bluebird

    Gray Catbird

    European Starling

    Cedar Waxwing

    Song Sparrow

    Swamp Sparrow

    Indigo Bunting

    Red-winged Blackbird

    American Goldfinch

  • Sunday, September 04, 2016 8:00 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    The fall 2016 Sandhill Crane counting season opened officially this evening at the Haehnle Sanctuary. It is very early in the season for the cranes to be gathering but the nice weather brought out the crane counters. A total of 6 cranes were seen at the sanctuary this evening, four of those cranes flew out around 6:00 p.m. 

    Counters: Gary Siegrist, Don and Robyn Henise

    Compiler:  Don Henise

    Submitted by Don & Robyn Henise

    Crane Count-06

    Species count- 19

    Wood Duck


    Great Blue Heron

    Great Egret

    Turkey Vulture

    Northern Harrier

    Cooper’s Hawk

    Red-tailed Hawk

    Ring-billed Gull

    Yellow-billed Cuckoo

    Chimney Swift

    Belted Kingfisher

    Red-bellied Woodpecker

    Downy Woodpecker

    Northern Flicker

    Blue Jay

    Tree Swallow

    Barn Swallow

    Black-capped Chickadee

    Tufted Titmouse

    White-breasted Nuthatch

    Eastern Bluebird

    American Robin

    Gray Catbird

    European Starling

    Cedar Waxwing

    Common Yellowthroat

    Song Sparrow

    Northern Cardinal

    Indigo Bunting

    Red-winged Blackbird

    Common Grackle 

    American Goldfinch.

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:47 PM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    Lathe Claflin was interviewed for a news story that ran this week on WILX TV.

    Video available HERE.

  • Sunday, July 31, 2016 10:01 AM | Steve Jerant (Administrator)

    From Lathe Claflin

    Report Vandalism at Haehnle Sanctuary

    During the past 3 weeks there has been a rash of malicious vandalism at the sanctuary.

    • Four bluebird nest boxes, 2 with young birds inside, were ripped off their posts –all babies are gone and presumed dead. This malignant act is a violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
    • The beautifully painted Haehnle Introduction sign in the main parking area was spray-painted and covered with feces.
    • At the kiosk,
    • The registration box was broken and torn from mounting post.
    • The email lockbox was broken into and cards scattered on the ground.
    • Brown paint was used to write on a north side display case.
    • One of the split rails was pulled from mount and found lying on the ground.
    • Four other split rails were broken and pulled from their mounts.
    • The bench near the new observation deck at Eagle Lake was torn from its posts and tossed into the lake. The observation deck itself was defaced.
    • The sign explaining the restoration work in Bogus Lake Fen was tossed into Eagle Lake.
    • These acts are senseless, destructive, and pointless. One or more persons are destroying private property at a wild place that is open to the public and enjoyed by hundreds of people every year.

    This vandalism has been reported to the Blackman Township Police and to the Michigan DNR Conservation Officer. If you see anyone vandalizing any item at Haehnle Sanctuary please call 911 immediately and report them. If you find evidence of vandalism please call Lathe at 517 936-0528.

    We appreciate your help.

    Report Vandalism at Haehnle Sanctuary

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